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Father's Grave | Drama

Father's Grave

An orphan kid inspired by the crowd on a particular area of graveyard, wants the crowd to be on his father's grave too. In order t ...Show More

An orphan kid inspired by the crowd on a particular area of graveyard, wants the crowd to be on his father's grave too. In order to do that, he thinks he must make the grave of his father as beautiful as possible.

An orphan kid inspired by the crowd on a particular area of graveyard, wants the...Show More

An orphan kid inspired by the crowd on a particular area of graveyard, wants the crowd to be on his father's grave too. In order to do that, he thinks he must make the grave of his father as beautiful as possible.

Category/Genre: drama

Release: 2018

Rating: PG-13+

20 -40 Years, Males & Females.

Produced by: Ideation